Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Calcium Sandoz - strong bones

How often we have used the phrase pillar of strength! A phrase that speaks of brands, people, institutions, et al - and on most occasions rather metaphorically or, at time simply to flatter. But when we at Saatchi had to create a ground breaking idea for calcium sandoz, we went all the way out.

We went in search of a pillar, that was really one of strength. And attached the perfect brand promise to it. And what you got in the end, was an exciting brand association, a strong visual representation at a high-traffic location. Thus, creating the perfect solution - perfect place, idea, visibility and impact. Take a look!

If you wish to see it on site, drive down to the Priyadrashini junction from Sion, take a u turn and get back - you wont miss it. And do let me know what you think of the idea. Creative director Juju Basu and his team of Amit Acherakar and Sandeep Poyekar will be delighted to hear on this.


Unknown said...

simple and effective
great job guys!!!

nanda07 said...

good one